“I find joy in every day- not because life is always good, but because God is.”
Hi Friends! My name is Jennifer and I am the photographer here at Capturing Joy. I am the mother of four children, ranging in age from 18 months to 18 years old. I love Jesus, music, running, and coffee. I enjoy taking photos of children because of the unfiltered emotions that they express for the camera. When you have photos taken, you probably won't remember the posing instructions or even the weather. But I bet you will remember that your children were racing each other up the hill. Or that your baby didn't want to smile at the camera but his daddy threw him up in the air and he laughed his full-belly laugh. Or that moment when your husband made a joke and you finally stopped being mad at him because he wouldn't wear what you wanted him to. The photos I take capture those memories and emotions so you will remember them for years to come.
As soon as I saw this photo (taken by my uber talented friend Katherine Weeks), I said "That's exactly what I look like!!!" Anyone who knows me knows this is how you'll see me most of the time :)
Jacob is attending a local community college with plans to transfer to the University of Virginia. He is studying computers and engineering. He's going to rule the world someday. Right now though, he has to settle for being our Web Designer Extraordinaire!
Photo by Elizabeth Woodson